Home / All Products / Brother Innovis A50 Sewing Machine

Brother Innovis A50 Sewing Machine

  • Detail
    MaterialPlastic, Metal
    Item weight8.64 Kilograms
    Power sourceCorded Electric
    Is electricYes
    Product dimensions11.4D x 19.1W x 17.9H centimetres

    About this item

    • Auto Needle threader

    Technical Details

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    Customer Reviews

    very good!


    This is a wonderful set, looks good and is comfortable as well. I really appreciate the storage provided. The cushions all fit into the boxes and the zipped liner keeps them dry!


    very good!


    Be sure you're willing to wait. FedEx delivery sucks and their "expected" delivery time is an absolute joke. Seller was zero help resolving the delivery issue. Aside from that the raft is great.


    Best bang for your buck. I researched a lot of these. This is a great for adults and young basketball stars in the making. Don't bother dumping a ton of money into a portable glass setup. If you want glass board I recommend getting a permanent solution. For the most part I put this together all by myself. There were a few times I needed my wife's hand to hold something steady. Instructions were super easy to read. Having the right tools makes a difference. With all that being said it took me about 3-4 hours to get this done. Once you are done, move the setup near to where you want to have it stand before you fill the base with sand. Once you flip it, it will take at least 2-3 strong guys to tip it to move again. I highly recommend using sand. A few of my neighbors put water in theirs (different brand and model) and in one the water evaporated over time, and in the other the water became ice and cracked the base open in the winter. When the winds blew, it wrecked both of them as there was no weight to hold it from tipping. Lucky for them it happened in bad weather and not when their kids were playing on it. Sand is the best way to go as it is not going to evaporate or cause damage to the base. Take a 2-Litter pop bottle, cut it in half, and use mouth side down as a funnel to pour the sand it. Makes it quick and easy.


    very good!


    very good!


    very good!

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